Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!


Okay, so I'm a day-and-a-bit late in posting.  But my (excellent) excuse is that I was an amazing daughter yesterday.  Okay, that's a little bit of stretching.  I would love to say I got up early to go to the grocery story to get the things I planned the previous night to make for Mother's Day, but in fact I just stayed up all night and realized I had done nothing.  So I got off my lazy behind, ran to the store to get a few missing items from my kitchen and this is what I came up with.

Brunch was delicious made-from-scratch buttermilk pancakes with fresh fruit and strawberry slices shaped into hearts. I know they kind of look like hearts already, but each one required delicate trimming.  Also, there was Aunt Jemima's syrup...YUM!  (Recipe #13)

This is dinner; my first (and probably only) attempt at this salmon en croute recipe.  It is made with a dill and asparagus spread.  The store-bought crust came out flaky and delicious and overall, it was good.  Just too much dill for my taste. (Recipe)

And the evening ended with Redbox Adventures of TinTin and a cute card.  I got lucky with that movie.  My mum used to love the comics growing up, and really wanted to see it when it was in theaters.  I only happened to notice it while I was walking out of Market Basket.  OH BUT WAIT.  THERE'S MORE.  Dessert was VANILLA MOCHI YUMMM.  Mum slept all day, when she wasn't eating or at the mall.  All in all, I think it was a good day for her.  ( :
